What Are Emotions and Why Does It Matter?
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Today, I’m going to be talking about the question that I’m asked about by my clients the most… What exactly are emotions?
I talk about emotions a lot, I’m an emotional and energy wellness coach. It comes in the title!
Emotions are something that we experience on a daily basis, pretty much continuously.
They do three things for us:
Help us facilitate a state - Whether it’s intuitive, instinctive, or gut feeling, our emotions allow us to find a space for thought.
Sends signals to our brain - our emotions activate our thoughts and memories.
Provides a response - when bringing those feelings together, we unconsciously form a reaction, of good, bad, positive, or negative. Essentially, it’s a verbal or non-verbal reaction that we exude from our being.
Our emotions activate different parts of our body and result in a single expression of ourselves. It creates each and every relationship that we have.
What are the 6 emotions?
While there are many emotions that we can have, there are 6 main ones to look for in our lives. Can you guess them?
So what goes into creating those layers, and why should we care?
We are human beings - we deal with emotions that help facilitate our actions and reactions. These are literally based on our individual experiences, and how we move and feel in this world.
It causes further discussion with how we deal or don’t deal with stuff. Sometimes we feel sadness when we should feel anger or visa versa.
The union between our body and energy is so strong, sometimes our body distracts us from the truth.
By shutting a certain emotion out, we lose understanding of what makes us tick and how we want to use our power in this world.
If we are not willing to do the work to tap into our feelings, we increase disconnection and discord within ourselves. Though not always, this can roll up disease into our body, we should never keep anything locked away. Freedom is in the truth.
I take this work so seriously because I felt this first hand. When I finally began listening to my body; I was unstoppable with greater confidence, extreme courage, and no fear. The key to life is understanding the greatest relationship in this life. Which is with yourself, always.
Related to this, I provide 1-1 coaching and workshops and now I am looking into more online-based workshops and classes. I am looking to change the story around emotion and live empowered - change is a constant! It’s the way we navigate this change, it creates greater love. Health is wealth.
To talk more about all things emotion, feel free to comment below or join my new Facebook group, The Heart and Harmony Hive, a space for those to discuss our inner truths.
Till next time beautiful souls,