The July Astrology Guide — Jackie Fernandes
The July Astrology Guide

The July Astrology Guide

July is absolutely glimmering with events this season and will be world-changing! In fact, you may have already felt some changes in the atmosphere 

- let’s get started -

To make for a very special 4th of July, we received a special visit from Asteroid Palla!

Asteroid Palla might not have been very visible with the human eye, but I have no doubt you can feel her effects! Asteroid Palla came to us in Gemini this season, bringing good energy and an extra spark of wisdom! 

On July 6th Vesta enters retrograde in Pisces- by the way, did I mention we are having many asteroids visit us this season?

Our next visitor is Asteroid Vesta who, along with two other asteroids and even Jupiter, will be falling in retrograde this Cancer season. Vesta under the influence of Pisces will bring forth a lot of nostalgic feelings, which is very fitting considering our next astrological happening is… 

A Full Moon on July 13th That Falls in Capricorn

Our Full Moon this month falls in Capricorn meaning that it will be time to let go of the old and bring in the new. Make sure to try and drop old habits that have followed you around and focus on new endeavors that excite you. 

Two more asteroids have joined the party- Chiron enters retrograde in Aries and Juno in Pisces

On July 19th and July 25th respectively, we have two more Asteroids entering our skies and bringing a whole wave of emotions our way. Chiron in Aries will bring our attention to some internal wounds that may need some TLC and healing. , So, open your heart to process! Juno will keep you on your toes for some external conflict - but don’t worry our asteroid guests are here to help. Keep your head up high and continue on the path!

Get ready to shine as bright as the Sun enters Leo on July 22nd!

For four weeks, our daylight will be influenced by the power of Leo. Leo’s energy means everyone will experience heightened energy, brightness, and a sense of ambition. That’s not all - even our New Moon falls under Leo this July- creating the perfect environment for Summer romance and relationships.

Finally, our last big event is that Jupiter begins its Retrograde

Probably the biggest news for this month’s astrology will be happening right near the end of the month, and it will continue to have a lasting impact on us as the weeks go on! When Jupiter experiences its retrograde, it means that we all experience a profound period of inner growth and development for the next 4 months. Jupiter is considered the Lucky planet that brings abundance, growth, and positive experiences. Explore what your intuition is calling you to - be that a new idea, new profession, or new relationship. After all, luck is only a true opportunity when one is prepared to seize it! 

I am excited to announce that it is almost time for my Introduction to Tarot course to launch! NEXT MONTH, I will be teaching a 4-week online course on the Basics of Tarot Reading!

 Make sure to sign up now as it’s the last month you can Pre-Register - and receive a FREE gift!

This course will cover everything you will need to know to go from an absolute beginner to an experienced medium. In this class we will discuss:

  • The Basic Principles of Tarot

  • The Major and Minor Arcana

  • How to interpret the symbolism of these mystical cards

  • How to use tarot to help you in your everyday life

Join our growing community of people seeking to awaken their power through tarot

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